The Planning team at LRA receives weekly updates from GBC and consider applications using the following criteria. In reviewing applications, we first of all, determine the significance of each application by considering:
Is it in a conservation area, such as the High Street?
Is it on the seafront, which has its own planning rules?
Is it of significant size, such as a large block of flats or inappropriately large for its location?
Will it have an adverse impact on local resources, especially roads?
Are there any environmental concerns?
Are local neighbours concerned or likely to be concerned?
Will it create an undesirable precedent?
If the above does not meet our full investigation the LRA may submit a formal Planning Objection to GBC. If it does meet these criteria the LRA will not normally take any further action other than contacting neighbours when we feel that there may be concerns, we have on occasion submitted a positive comment.
There are special procedures if residents wish to represent themselves at the Regulatory Board which require a deputation. All the rules and documentation can be found on the GBC site
Planning applications for GBC can now be found on which are accessible to all. Residents may also visit GBC planning department to view any applications.
The Gosport Borough Council planning portal is a very useful site to explore and may answer many of your questions