March 2023 Planning Report (GBC planning site is unavailable for a few days; the details are mostly from memory)
81- 82 Marine Parade East, New houses on the corner of MPE and Portsmouth Road are progressing slowly, work on site is somewhat intermittent, the steel frameworks have recently appeared above the hoardings.
126 High Street has planning permission to convert the shop into a tap room. Work has commenced.
86 High Street work is now progressing and the second floor has appeared from behind the hoarding. This building is a shop on the ground floor with flats above and more behind.
National Coastwatch have applied for planning permission for a coastal safety camera to be installed on the CCTV mast near the Sunken War Memorial. This will increase visibility of the Solent towards Hillhead.
Where the Retro or Motor Parts shop was, plans have been submitted for it to become a Tattoo & Laser Parlour.
The Wykeham Hall development. It is understood that all permissions have been finalised, the transfer of ownership between Home’s England and the developer has most likely caused the delay.
Planning permission for Daedalus Waterfront has been submitted. 23/00061/OUT is the outline proposal for the whole site, it is called a hybrid planning submission as it includes housing, industrial and leisure proposals. The whole site has been divided into 6 zones each having a specific character. Application 23/00062/LBA is the first of probably many detailed applications expected as the project progresses. This detailed application is for the Cookhouse conversion to residential building, just one of the listed buildings on the site. It appears wholly acceptable. A link to this application is to be available on the web site (GBC website is down for maintenance at the time of writing). If you are looking for an overview, the planners would recommend viewing the Design and Access Statement, this summarises the plans giving design detail and illustrations. The Planning Team has had a preliminary look at the whole submission and is on ongoing discussions with GBC Planning Officers.
The points that we have already identified for further consideration are:
- Parking Issues; not all the zones meet the GBC parking standards, there are minor shortfalls in some zones
- The height of apartment blocks as well as industrial buildings, especially near existing residential housing. Although the height limit is generally 4 storeys. The proposed hotel and some apartments appear taller
- Two proposed flat roof developments that do not comply with the SPD for the Seafront Area of Special Character and a flat roof apartment block near Westcliff House which degrades the Conservation Area
- Road access to the site and any one-way systems, including Drake Road. It is submitted that the former Main Gate to Daedalus should be repositioned currently dividing the new residential area from Lee, to marking the change of Zone and Character from Lee residential to Lee Industrial. It is suggested that the new residents should be part of Lee not behind the former military gates
- We will continue to pay attention to the re-purposing of the Heritage buildings and for site remediation.
GBC Planning.
Statement Of Community Involvement (SCI) 2023 – Consultation Draft. The SCI sets out the public consultation arrangements for the preparation of planning documents and for planning applications received by the Council. The Council is calling for views on changes that may be required as the 2019 document is updated. A similar review is taking place on the Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule. Copies of both documents can be viewed on-line or at the Lee Hub.
Fareham BC Planning, that impacts on Lee. Following some changes, known as ‘Main Modifications’ the National Planning Inspectorate adjudged that FBC revised Local Plan now meets all the legal requirements and is sound. Fareham Councillors are expected to adopt it at a meeting on 5th April. The new plan is on FBC’s website.
The new Crematorium off Broom Way near Lee Golf Course. The planning application now on Fareham BC website, there are many objectors, mostly over the additional traffic it will incur with just a few in support. This is a link to the application>