February 2024 Planning Report.
• Daedalus Waterfront. Following approval of the development plans at GBC’s Regulatory Board we are awaiting advice on the commencement of work on the site. GBC planners have advised that there are still some legal agreements to complete. The Daedalus Development Company have promised an update report in time for the Spring Review. It is hoped the current financial outlook will not compromise the outline proposals and plans presented to date.
• The former Care Home Chesterholm, on the corner of Brittain and Swanage Roads that became a cannabis farm is once again vacant. Posted for sale and advertised as suitable for multiple occupation, an HMO. The Ward Councillor has written to GBC’s planning department reminding them of the local opposition to the potential of an HMO in this part of Lee and reminding the planners that a residence of 5 or more unrelated households must obtain prior registration for use as an HMO.
• Toob have been very active in the village prompting a complaint from one of our residents in a flatted development. We are hoping to obtain some legal information for the review. There seems to be mixed feelings and opinions about the company.
• There was planned to be a further consultation for Gosport’s Local Plan in the spring. It is quite likely that a recent Government proposal to extend the scope of ‘permitted development rights’ may delay this. (Planning permission from the local planning authority (LPA) is normally required to carry out building operations and/or to ‘materially’ change the use of a building or land unless it comes under the regulations that allow ‘Permitted Development.’)
Manor Way Field, application 23/00354/GR3. The original plans for the development of this open space were to include a barrier of parkland between Manor Way with the allotments at the rear. The revised plan is dedicating the whole site to allotments with a car parking and facilities area in the centre. After some minor changes the revised plans have been approved. There has been some recent activity on the field.
128 High Street. A new application from the adjoining Tap Room to expand next-door into the corner shop by Broom Way, 23/00415/FULL. Although this is the Pier Street Conservation Area the extension into the adjoining shop and the proposed alterations to the shopfront would seem to be appropriate. It includes a modest extension to the outside seating area, in the same style as already in place in front of the adjoining shop.
67 Marine Parade East. 23/00443/VOC an application for variation to a build in progress. This variation of condition seeks to increase the height of the building and puts accommodation into a new floor level under the roof together with an apex window and an extra balcony. These were the characteristics in an original application for this site that led to a refusal. The LRA planning team will be drawing on our original objection to repeat an objection to these changes as they will have a significant impact on the neighbours and could be considered overdevelopment of the site.
8 Cambridge Road. 24/00032/FULL. An application for a single rear extension and the utilisation of an existing extension that forms a covered passageway to form an annex to this semi-detached dwelling. The application also introduces a front bay window. These alterations will in effect make the property look wider on the frontage arguable making a somewhat unusual dwelling look more like others in the streetscene.